Monday, February 8, 2010

Winter Trip 2010

Spent the weekend in Great Smoky Mountains N.P. with Scott Shipp, George Conlin, and David Lee. Met a AT thru-hiker named Goat. Snowed in at Mt Collins but got a chance to hike Clingman's Dome on Saturday. Lots of ice, lots of snow. Lots of fun.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Luisa Lopez Videos

Check out these vids from our good buddy Luisa Lopez

How Hard Love Is from Lake Fever Sessions on Vimeo.

She Had To Go from Lake Fever Sessions on Vimeo.

Together from Lake Fever Sessions on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!

I wanted to wish all of my friends, family, and bloggers a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Each year, my little Irish buddy, George, and I try to do something fun. This year we may go searching for a pot of gold. From the looks of the video below, maybe we should start in Mobile, Alabama.

Luck o' the Irish to you all!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

YouTube....Just like an old friend

It seems that on days that I am bored and just don't want to do anything productive like reading a book, doing chores, or bettering myself in any way, I find myself browsing the enormous "short segmented" world of YouTube. I know all of you are overly familiar so I'll spare you the details, but occasionally you run across something you've seen before. In this case, I ran across the Flea Market Montgomery commercial which made me smile so much that I wanted to post it here.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who says its too cold?

When folks asked me about backpacking in the Smokies in winter, they always wonder if I am going to freeze. I mean, yes it's going to be cold. Yes, we may get snowed in somewhere in the wilderness. Yes, we may be eaten by hungry bears. But, the solitude is magnificent because there aren't too many folks in the world as "crazy" as my friends and me. There's something about climbing a ridge and peering over the other side. Reminds me of a song about a bear. And yes, typically all we see is the other side of the mountain, but it really is a sight to see. So, my answer to the question of freezing is, "maybe a little."

Here are some pics from my trip at the end of January. I'll try to get a video up soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009


So I am beginning to experiment with posting my own videos on YouTube, which is a great reference tool these days. I started with a short clip of a marmot we observed while climbing the relatively lower slopes of Mt. Rainier back in September 2008. The marmot didn't seem to mind us too much.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stop Motion Photography

I came across this video today and thought it was really cool. One day, when I have more time, I may check into this art. It looks really fun.
