Sunday, December 21, 2008

Success & How to be a Master Tracker

After a two year drought, my freezer will soon be full of venison. I seriously didn't think that yesterday's hunt was going to be fruitful. Jim and I sat in the blind for about three hours with nothing but birds to keep us company. He took a nap, I text messaged a friend, and then we decided to get up and roam around. After about 30 minutes, we walked into a field and I spotted a whitetail doe grazing on the edge of the woods. I quickly brought my rifle up and frantically searched the area with my scope. I finally located the deer and realized my scope was zoomed in a bit too much since the deer filled the entire view. Anyhow, I held my breath and fired. The fell, got up, and ran to the left and out of sight behind some trees. Just then two deer ran back from the right heading for the adjoining property and jumped the fence despite my cries otherwise. I told Jim that the deer sprang over the fence rather spryly since I had just shot it. He agreed but headed over there to look for blood. I went to the location where the deer was initially shot so I could begin to utilize my master tracking skills. Jim joined me and quickly found the blood trail. We followed the trail for about 20 yards when it abruptly stopped. Jim said he would head around to the right and I proceeded to circle the thicket a few times to see if I could find the trail. Neither of us was successful. We met back at the last spot of blood and was just about to give up when I turned around and saw the deer laying 5 yards behind us. And that is how to be a master tracker!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Family of Elves

The girls are having a complex trying to remember when they dressed up like elves and danced at the disco.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The thin red line of gluttony...

As I was stuffing my face over the past four days, I kept thinking that this next bite is going to be the healthy limit. Then I would take another bite and another piece of pie and some ice cream with banana pudding on top and so on. I should have stopped. I wanted to stop. I just couldn't. The holiday food is like a drug to me. I still have Christmas to go. And New Years. That's a lot of fudge and sausage balls and black-eyed peas (New Year's food is kind of out of character for the rest of the holiday season. It's probably to make up for all the gluttony that goes on in November and December).

Speaking of gluttony, where exactly is that line and did I cross it? I mean, I felt like a beached whale all weekend. Exercise didn't even cross my mind. Well, that's not entirely true. It crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. I did get up and walk to the kitchen numerous times. So technically, that's 1 situp per trip.

In all seriousness, I am thankful for all the family I was able to spend time with over the holiday. It was a wonderful time full of joy, cheer, scolding my children, watching football, and generally just being happy.

One other note, I am having a hard time being thankful for my low-def cable at home after experiencing hours of HD Football. Sherry won't let me remedy that situation........