Sunday, January 11, 2009

Last Day

Today was the last day of deer season. I've sat in the rain, in warm temps, cool temps, just about every kind of weather. I haven't even seen a deer while hunting since the first and only deer (see Master Tracker). I was going to go to Hickman County and camp yesterday in order to hunt all day today to try to get one more, but I just didn't feel like making the drive. Headed to church this morning and then hit the woods in Rutherford County instead. Time goes by. I nod off in the ladder stand which always gets your heart racing when you wake up. Anyway, about 30 minutes before dusk, 2 does jumped the fence and came into range. I was blessed with another deer this season which will fill the freezer. It's been fun and I'm looking forward to November.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Holiday Shuffle

The race is over and now we can relax. Holidays are always a fun time, but hectic. It takes a couple of weeks to recuperate afterwards. This year was no exception. Our girls are growing up and love to open presents. It really doesn't matter whose. They also want to know when the next holiday is arriving. I think we can put them off until Valentine's Day.

On the hunting scene, the deer seem to have taken a vacation to parts unknown for the few weeks left in the hunting season. They must have had a hectic holiday season as well.

Happy New Year!!!