Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Looking for deer in all the wrong places...

I spent the weekend, well most of it, trying to shoot a deer. I saw plenty of deer, especially Saturday morning, but did not get a shot. It was a comedy of errors from the start. The first two deer I saw that morning were hanging out well into the thicket where shooting would be pointless. The third one sneaked up on me and then stepped into a bush and I didn't see it again. The fourth and fifth one waited until I had climbed out of my stand, laid down my rifle, and began gathering my gear before they showed themselves. These were a decent buck and a doe. They slowly walked out of sight as I moved toward my rifle and were gone by the time I put it to my shoulder. The sixth one I saw was shot by my friend Jim. The seventh one was running too fast. The eighth, ninth, and tenth was just too far away for a clear shot. That was Saturday morning.

I spent Saturday afternoon at the MTSU vs. North Texas game. Go Blue Raiders. Unfortunately, there were no deer in attendance.

I drove to our hunt club in Hickman County Saturday night...late...real late. Sunday morning found me deep in the woods watching two does and a buck go by. None gave me a clear shot. Sunday afternoon was devoid of animals of any sort except for some noisy squirrels. I should have gone home. A friend of mine mentioned that God was punishing me for skipping church to go shoot harmless animals. I countered with a day spent enjoying His creation couldn't be against His will for me. I was praying from time to time. You know, one of those "bargaining with God" type prayers. Like, "Father, I'll be happy with your will, but I sure would like to get a deer. Any assistance would be deeply appreciated." I think I'll stick with that.

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